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27 years after the Hillsborough football disaster, a jury has concluded that the 96 victims were unlawfully killed. The decisions follow the longest inquest in British legal history. South Yorkshire police admitted they had got the policing of the match " sport vip apostas online catastrophically wrong".
Here in London, the chimes of Big Ben are going to sport vip apostas online fall silent next year because the famous parliamentary clock tower – the Elizabeth Tower – needs essential repairs. This sound has chimed almost uninterrupted for about 150 years but it's only going to be reserved for special occasions. It's part of a project that's going to cost more than $US40m. The tower is going to be partially clad in sport vip apostas online scaffolding for about three years. The last significant repair work on Big Ben – that was more than 30 years ago.
Let's go to Prague Zoo, because visitors have had their first sport vip apostas online glimpse of this little baby gorilla. Her birth took everyone by surprise. Nobody had even noticed that her 24-year-old mum Shinda was pregnant. Shinda had already had a number of miscarriages – being a little overweight she wasn't expected to ever have a baby. The delivery went well. She and her new-born baby are said to be doing very well.
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27 anos após a tragédia no estádiosport vip apostas onlinefutebolsport vip apostas onlineHillsborough, na Inglaterra, um júri concluiu que as 96 vítimas não foram mortassport vip apostas onlineforma acidental. A decisão vaio após um dos mais longos inquéritos da história do sistema legal britânico. A políciasport vip apostas onlineSouth Yorkshire admitiu que cometeu erros "catastróficos" ao zelar pela segurança do evento.
Aquisport vip apostas onlineLondres, os sinos do Big Ben se silenciarão no próximo ano porque a famosa torre do relógio do Parlamento - a Elizabeth Tower - precisasport vip apostas onlinereparos essenciais. Esse som ecoousport vip apostas onlineforma ininterrupta por cerca 150 anos, mas agora será reservado para ocasiões especiais. Isso faz partesport vip apostas onlineum projeto que custará mais do que US$ 40 milhões. A torre será cercada por andaimes durante cercasport vip apostas onlinetrês anos. O último grande trabalhosport vip apostas onlinereparos no Big Ben foi feito há maissport vip apostas online30 anos.
Vamos ao zoológicosport vip apostas onlinePraga, onde visitantes foram os primeiros a ver este bebê gorila. Seu nascimento pegou todo mundosport vip apostas onlinesurpresa. Ninguém tinha notado que a mãe, Shinda,sport vip apostas online24 anos, estava grávida. Shinda tinha tido alguns abortos - e estando com sobrepeso considerável achava-se que ela não teria mais bebês. Deu tudo certo no parto. Ela e seu filhote estão passando bem.
Words, phrases and definitions
sport vip apostas online fall silent stop making any sound
sport vip apostas online scaffolding metal poles and wooden planks erected outside of a building for people to stand on when they are working on the building
sport vip apostas online glimpse brief view or look
sport vip apostas online delivery (here) process of giving birth
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Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.
catastrophically / fall silent / scaffolding / glimpse / delivery
1. The strong winds caused the ________ to collapse, damaging cars on the street below.
2. I was with my wife when she ________ our second child.
3. Millions of people ________ to remember those who had died in war.
4. Crowds lined the streets of Windsor to catch a ________ of the Queen on the eve of her 90th birthday.
5. The drought is having a ________ effect on farming in the region.
1. The strong winds caused the scaffolding to collapse, damaging cars on the street below.
2. I was with my wife when she delivered our second child.
3. Millions of people fell silent to remember those who had died in war.
4. Crowds lined the streets of Windsor to catch a glimpse of the Queen on the eve of her 90th birthday.
5. The drought is having a catastrophic effect on farming in the region.