Margaret Thatcher deixou legado polêmico:pixbet clássica


Behind the smile, a tough leader.

With pixbet clássica steely determination, Margaret Thatcher sent a task force to re-take the Falklands, or the Malvinas, from Argentina in 1982.

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev described her as ‘a woman of pixbet clássica conviction’.

Her softer side saw her chatting pixbet clássica amicably with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and, with Ronald Reagan, strengthening the special relationship between Britain and the US.

But her pixbet clássica belligerent attitude to Europe may prove to be the Iron Lady’s most pixbet clássica enduring legacy.

Transcriçãopixbet clássicaportuguês

Atrás do sorriso, uma líder durona.

Com determinaçãopixbet clássicaaço, Margaret Thatcher enviou uma força-tarefa para retomar as ilhas Falkland, ou Malvinas, da Argentinapixbet clássica1982.

O líder soviético Mikhail Gorbachev a descreveu como "mulherpixbet clássicaconvicção".

Mostrando seu lado mais suave, ela conversou amigavelmente com o líder chinês Deng Xiao Ping e com Ronald Reagan, fortalecendo a relação especial entre a Grã-Bretanha e os Estados Unidos.

Maspixbet clássicapostura hostilpixbet clássicarelação à Europa acabou se tornando uma dos legados mais duradouros da Damapixbet clássicaFerro.


pixbet clássica steely determination - refusing to stop trying to do something, even though it is very difficult

pixbet clássica conviction - strong belief or opinion

pixbet clássica amicably - pleasantly and in a friendly way, without arguments

pixbet clássica belligerent - always unfriendly and wanting to argue

pixbet clássica enduring - long-lasting


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.

Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

nickel mine / treat / swapped / boost productivity / positive attitude

1. He ________ his military fatigues for elegant business suits, but - in contrast to his jovial and temperamental father - remains a reserved figure.

2. After being plant foreman of the Bindura ________ for 10 years, he climbed the unionist ladder until in 1988, he was elected secretary-general of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.

3. The usual American fast food outlets are spread around Cambridge but there are also takeaways or 'chippies', selling fish and chips, a national ________.

4. "Under this funding round 121 projects from all corners of coastal Scotland have received £5.8m, to support modernisation, expansion and _________."

5. According to a new survey by the Caucasus Research Resource Centers almost half of Georgians have a __________ towards Stalin.


Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from news reports.

Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.

steely determination / conviction / amicably / belligerent / enduring

1. Last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Chinese and European authorities to resolve the matter _________ by holding talks. But she called for more transparency from Beijing about incentives given to the sector.

2. There is undoubtedly __________ interest in the Titanic story - Belfast and Southampton both opened museums dedicated to the liner during the centenary year.