O hotel com a 'pior vista do mundo':lucro casa de apostas
lucro casa de apostas Steeped in irony, an artist's take on the grand hotels of a bygone age - this one claims to have the worst view in the world. The concrete slabs of the barrier Israel's built in and around the occupied West Bank are just feet away. This hotel - as much a political statement as a new business.
This is the brand new design for the iconic London black cab. But before they can put this through its paces in the cities, they have to try it out in one of the most hostile environments on Earth. It's got an electric engine, most of the time driving with zero lucro casa de apostas emissions, although a small petrol motor charges the battery from time to time.
Can pigeons help us in the battle against air pollution? It sounds lucro casa de apostas far-fetched but academics from Birmingham University are convinced they can. They're attaching sensors to the birds which, unlike drones, can fly without restrictions above busy urban centres. The information collected will help to model how pollution moves around cities and could be used by planners to help decide where to build hospitals or schools.
Transcrição para o português:
Cheialucro casa de apostasironia, essa versãolucro casa de apostasum artista para os grandes hotéislucro casa de apostasuma era passada – esse aqui afirma ter a pior vista do mundo. Os blocoslucro casa de apostasconcreto da barreira que Israel construiu na Cisjordânia ficam a poucos péslucro casa de apostasdistância. Esse hotel é tanto um posicionamento político quanto um novo negócio.
Esse é o novo design do icônico taxi pretolucro casa de apostasLondres. Mas anteslucro casa de apostaspoderem levá-los pela cidade, terãolucro casa de apostastestá-lolucro casa de apostasum dos ambientes mais hostis da Terra. Ele tem um motor elétrico, dirige a maior parte do tempo com emissão zero, apesarlucro casa de apostasum pequeno motor a gasolina carregar a baterialucro casa de apostastemposlucro casa de apostastempos.
Os pombos podem nos ajudar na batalha contra a poluição? Soa exagerado, mas acadêmicos da Universidade Birmingham estão convencidos que sim. Eles estão prendendo sensores aos pássaros que, ao contráriolucro casa de apostasdrones, podem voar sem restrições sobre movimentados centros urbanos. A informação coletada ajudará na criaçãolucro casa de apostasum modelo sobre como a poluição se move por cidades que poderá ser usado por urbanistas para ajudar a decidir sobre onde construir hospitais e escolas.
Words and phrases and definitions:
lucro casa de apostas steeped in with lots of
lucro casa de apostas emissions amounts of gas being sent into the air
lucro casa de apostas far-fetched difficult to believe
Watch the video online: http://bbc.in/2m2gtUg
Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.
steeped in / emissions / far-fetched
1. A collapse in the use of coal has driven UK carbon __________ down to levels barely seen since the Victorian era, new figures show.
2. The idea of pigs producing human organs might sound a bit ________ but that is what a group of Japanese scientists is attempting to do.
3. A piano _________ rock history and used by some of the biggest names of the past 40 years has sold for £50,000 at an auction.
1. A collapse in the use of coal has driven UK carbon emissions down to levels barely seen since the Victorian era, new figures show.
2. The idea of pigs producing human organs might sound a bit far-fetched but that is what a group of Japanese scientists is attempting to do.
3. A piano steeped in rock history and used by some of the biggest names of the past 40 years has sold for £50,000 at an auction.